Posted by celine

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Celine Gerakin

Personality: Driven by Feer Of Missing Out (FOMO)
Motto: Leave only footprints

Born and raised in France, Celine is what you could call the ultimate expact. Clever adventurer during the day and party goer in the evening, she has the energy needed to wander 25 hours a day and would still have some to spare.

Despite the fact that she is probably more American than any true born Americans (loves to BBQ, shoots guns and wears hand made Texan Cowboy boots) she kept her taste for sour cream, wine, pastries and a good amount of french attitude. Her jokes are mostly sarcastic but funny once you know her and are used to her accent.

People often say that Celine is inspirational probably because she would do anything to help someone out and never gives up.

At a campsite, you are very likely to find her crafting a dream catcher or sawing something for the van. At a National Park or next to a river, you will, without a doubt, find her with trash in her hands freshly picked up from the ground.

Celine made her career in Online Marketing, she loves it and is good at it. She could be working for free just for the sake of helping someone in need and having a new exciting project to work on.

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