
Travertine Hot Springs

Posted by Zeno Gerakin Published on May 02, 2018

Our second day on the road and we’ve already found the good stuff! We spent almost the whole afternoon soaking in this natural hot tub, surrounded by the South-Eastern Sierras, and protected by enough dirt road to keep out most of the crowd. The people we did meet were, by-and-large, of an agreeable sort and we even traveled onward with one of them.

The hot tub roster included a very pleasant younger couple from Ireland, a back country skier down from Truckee, and another sprinter van aficionado by the name of Kate. Guest appearances were made by a stately Native American gentleman who gave us a historical and cultural orientation to the site and a roguish vagabond whose tinfoil cap was screwed on just a little bit too tight.

Kate, who we would stay the night with later at Silver Lake, was just starting her own multi-month road-trip in a converted sprinter van. We immediately hit it off, geeking out on our van details and the fact that we were both leaving the Bay Area for a little bit of fresh air.

As we pulled away from the hot springs Celine began taking notes for this journal. She asked me for everyone’s name and, being terrible with names, I got myself in hot water by only remembering the young Irish lady’s name. I think it is a sign of my advancing maturity that at the time I write this I now have no idea what that young lady’s name was. Take that how you will.

Categories: hot springs, stops

Tags: California